Head, Bro. Caleb Arah

The security team ensure a secure environment for people and property inside and outside the church building during worship services, church activities, and church outings.

We value the lives and property of every person that God has brought into The Bride Assembly and it is our mission to serve and protect them to the best of our abilities.

It is the purpose of the Security Ministry is to ensure a safe and secure environment for all those attending The Bride Assembly Church, as well as, church leadership and staff. Church property and attendees’ property are observed and protected as much as possible; however, the church cannot be held responsible for personal effects, either inside or outside the church buildings due to a limited security staff and surveillance capability.

The Security Ministry is comprised of volunteers that are trained to observe and report any activity that may be detrimental to the security of church attendees and staff. Additionally, church and personal property are observed and protected to the best of the security teams.